You asked for it and Easy Hitch Step staff has listened.
Slide in and pop-up truck camper steps owners with rear off center doors can now get our new 3-position offset t-bar to use in conjunction with our adjustable 15 inch wide 3 step truck and camper hitch step model.
The t-bar only adds eight more pounds to your adjustable hitch step but gives you greater flexibility than the single hits shank bracket.
23 inch wide with three locking brackets.
No matter where your rear door is, you can get rid of your wobbly step ladders in front of your camper door and use the secure and safe adjustable camper/truck hitch step from Easy Hitch Step.
For greater use, leave it in place behind your truck without your camper and use it to gain access to your bed.
Our hitch steps and bars are American made with American materials.  They are solid and the best truck and camper hitch steps out there.
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